Today I’m going to talk about the first CD that I bought. It was “The open door” from Evanescence. I was 12 years old, and I loved this band. I was a big fan of them, and after this I bought all the CDs of the band, I mean ALL. Even the CDs that you have to bring from USA,because it wasn’t in Chile. I think this band was a big part of my adolescence. I bought the posters, the t-shirts. I was PATHETIC haha.
In 2007 they came to Chile, and I went to the concert with my dad. There were a lot of people wearing black, with eyeliner, white faces. And I was a little girl with her daddy haha
In 2013 (I think) they came to Chile again. And I didn’t like them like I used to, but I went to the concert anyway,just for fun.
Today I think that they are a great band, good musicians. But I don’t like their style at all.
I completely changed my likes. But I steel think that the vocalist have a really nice voice.
In fact, I’m not sure, the band doesn’t exist anymore. It’s only the singer (Amy Lee) like a solist.
Today, I still have the cds, and I don’t think that I buy other cd in my life. Because I download the songs of the bands that I like, from Internet :) I know that it's not the same, but I don't like spend money in cds