martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

the future

Hi! Today i’m going to write about how I imagine my life in ten years.
I imagine that I will be working in interior design or furniture design. I study architecture but this is what I would like to do. Maybe I would like to teach too and have my own art gallery.
I hope I will be forming a family and building a house designed by me. I hope in another place different to Santiago. I don’t like this city,I think it’s chaotic. The smog,the people,all the cars. I don’t like this rhythm of life.I think its stressing and the world is so big and life is too short to live in Santiago haha but I don’t know yet where I would like to live.
I hope my dog Perlita would be still with me!!! But this is almost impossible because she’s very old L so I’ll must have like 10 dogs that replace the love of my Perlita
About the world, I hope that it turns un-technological ,I mean that we learn to use the technology in our favor only. And this vice for smartphones and social networks remain in the past. When I think in future I fear that this addiction for social networks grows, and we become more disconnected each day, and we turn into people without a real social life and without feelings.

I hope in ten years all my wishes came true, and MORE. And the life surprised me positively

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